Frese ALPHA 定流量动态平衡阀 Frese ALPHA wafer 定流量动态平衡阀 Frese SIGMA Compact 可调流量动态平衡阀 可调动态流量平衡阀 DN50-DN300点击下载
Frese ALPHA 阀胆是专门为制冷和采暖系统设计和特别研发的,是Frese动态平衡阀系列的主要组成部分,在任何波动压差条件下都能保持流量恒定于设定值。
从小规格的丝扣 DN15 阀门,到大口径的对夹式 DN800 阀门,无论是用于小型供热单元还是区域供冷系统,在任何压差条件下的波动,Frese ALPHA 阀胆都能确保流量保持在恒定的设定值。享有专利权的Frese ALPHA 阀胆,引进了新概念的孔板设计,提高了更高的工作性能和工作灵活性。每个阀胆里都有一个容易拆除和更换的固定流量孔板,一旦流量更改,只需更换孔板。
Frese ALPHA 阀胆运用于采暖和制冷系统,分布于各个系统的流量范围中。
动态平衡阀确保更简单更可靠的平衡系统,而不受系统任何波动压差的影响。Frese ALPHA 阀胆限制了系统的最大流量,确保了最经济的运作,可用于变流量和固定流量系统中。
Frese ALPHA High-Pressure Cartridges
Frese ALPHA Cartridge with orifice plate
Dimension Pressure range Material Price
Category DN kPa
E Type 10,11 and 20 15/20/25 7-600 Brass DZR 16.40
E Type 30 and 40 25L/32/40/50 12-600 Brass DZR 28.40
F Type 50 and 60 50-800 12-600 Stainless Steel AISI 304 68.10
Orifice plates
Category Dimension Material Price
E Type 10,11 and 20 15/20/25 Brass DZR 1.55
E Type 30 and 40 25L/32/40/50 Brass DZR 2.75
F Type 50 and 60 50-800 Stainless Steel AISI 304 3.70
Frese ALPHA Cartridge without orifice plate
Category Dimension Pressure range Material Price
DN kPa
E Type 10,11 and 20 15/20/25 7-600 Brass DZR 14.20
E Type 30 and 40 25L/32/40/50 12-600 Brass DZR 24.60
F Type 50 and 60 50-800 12-600 Stainless Steel AISI 304 63.90
Frese ALPHA Low-Pressure Cartridges
Frese ALPHA Cartridge with orifice plate
Category Dimension Pressure range Material Price
DN kPa
E Type 10,11 and 20 15/20/25 7-350 Brass DZR 13.00
E Type 30 and 40 25L/32/40/50 12-350 Brass DZR 24.00
Orifice plates
Category Dimension Material Price
E Type 10,11 and 20 15/20/25 Brass DZR 1.55
E Type 30 and 40 25L/32/40/50 Brass DZR 2.75
Frese ALPHA Cartridge without orifice plate
Category Dimension Pressure range Material Price
DN kPa
E Type 10,11 and 20 15/20/25 7-350 Brass DZR 11.30
E Type 30 and 40 25L/32/40/50 12-350 Brass DZR 20.50
Blind cap for wafer valves
Category Frese no. Dimension Price
F 51-05000 100-800 15.80
Extra services
Category Price
D Special (non standard) marking on tags (Per Valve) 1.00