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OPTIMA Compact

Improve your CII rating with Frese FUELSAVE

Demands for more sustainable shipping is on the rise with the latest regulatory requirements from IMO, the International Maritime Organisation. The Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) rating is a key element, and Frese’s dynamic valve technology can help with the necessary onboard energy optimisations.

The Global Maritime Shipping industry has stepped up to the challenge of combatting climate change and has pledged to reduce its annual CO2 emissions of nearly 1.000 million tonnes with at least 40% by 2030 and 70% by 2050.

To reach these ambitions goals all elements of a ship’s operation must be continually optimized in line with the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) requirements.

The CII derives from the Annual Efficiency Ratio which measures the carbon emissions of a ship’s operations over the course of a year. Ratings go from a green A for Major Superior to a red E for Inferior. In order to maintain the rating an annual 1% CO2 reduction is required until 2023 and is doubled to 2% annually until 2027.


To help you address these challenges Frese has redefined what is possible in terms of achievable energy savings in your vessels’ cooling water systems – which means fuel savings and less CO2 emitted.

We call this patent pending solution the Frese FUELSAVETM System.

Frese FUELSAVE realises the unique fuel savings opportunities that is imbedded in Frese’s well proven automatic balancing and control valve technology.

The control system collects all the sensor data and uses it to ensure continuous optimum pump operation at any given load condition.

3-9% CII reduction

This leads to large amounts of otherwise unrevealed fuel savings result in vast emission reductions. In fact, the CII of the entire vessel can be reduced by 3-9%, depending on vessel type.

Frese FUELSAVE consists of well-proven and developed technology, providing cost-effective equipment package. Payback time is less than 2 years, and the solution offers ongoing reduction of OPEX during the lifetime of the vessel.