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ProService Co.
The Engineering Company For Projects Services
95 Hafiz Ramadan st, 11731 Nasr City, Cairo Egypt

Tel: 202-23546739 - 23546749 - 23546608

Sherif Nowier - s.nowier@proservice.com.eg

Advansys Trading & Contracting
195A, 267 street, New Maadi, Cairo

Tel: +202 2754 9271

Amira Abdel Fattah - Amira.abdalfatah@advansystc.me

3A/5 Sayed Nada Street
New Maadi – Main Nasr Road, Cairo

Tel: +202 25192041

Hazem Rady - Hazem.rady@automationology.com

Siemens Ltd
Smart Infrastructure
885 Mountain Hwy
Bayswater VIC 3153 Australia

Tel. 1300 773 948

E-Mail: btinternalsales.au@siemens.com
Website: www.siemens.com.au/btp

Plumbmec Pipeline Solutions
152 Welshpool Rd,
Welshpool, Western Australia 6106

Tel. +61 (0) 8 9470 9993

E-Mail: sales@plumbmec.com.au
Website: www.plumbmec.com.au

Armaturen Aichhorn GesmbH
Gewerbepark 1 • 4631 Krenglbach

Tel: +43 7249 46166-12

Kontakt: office@armaturen-aichhorn.at
Website: www.armaturen-aichhorn.at

Al Moayyed International Group

PO Box 26259

Manama - Bahrain

Tel: +973 17705249

Fax: +973 17703288

Faraz Shaikh - Faraz@almoayyedintl.com.bh

Belven® nv
Blokhuisstraat 24
Industriepark Noord 1
B-2800 Mechelen

Tel. +32 15 29 40 70
Fax +32 15 20 14 13

E-Mail: info@belven.com
Website: www.belven.be

BilligVVS.dk ApS
Gåseagervej 12A
DK-8250 Egå

Website: www.billigvvs.dk

Brdr. A & O Johansen A/S
DK-2620 Albertslund

Tel: +45 70 280 101

Website: www.ao.dk

Brødrene Dahl A/S
Park Allé 370
DK-2605 Brøndby

Tel: +45 43 200 202

Website: www.bd.dk

DJ Supply
Holger Danskes Vej 31
8960 Randers SØ

Tel: +45 86 43 44 44
E-Mail: post@djsupply.dk

Website: https://djsupply.dk/

H. Jessen Jürgensen A/S
Tempovej 18-22
DK-2750 Ballerup

Tel: +45 70 270 607

Website: www.hjj.dk

Gåseagervej 12A
DK-8250 Egå

Website: www.lavprisvvs.dk

Lemvigh-Müller A/S
Nordager 1
DK-6000 Kolding

Tel: +45 36 955 000

Website: www.lemu.dk

Sanistål A/S
Håndværkervej 14
DK-9000 Aalborg

Tel: +45 96 306 000

Website: www.sanistaal.dk

Solar A/S
Industrivej Vest 43
DK-6600 Vejen

Tel: +45 76 961 200

Website: www.solar.dk

Oy Teknocalor Ab
Sinikellonkuja 4
01300 Vantaa

Tel: +358(0)10 820 1100
Fax: +358(0)10 820 1101

Website: www.teknocalor.fi

Sauter Regulation S.A.S.

Site de la Fonderie - Batiment KMO 2eme etage

30, Rue Francois Spoerry

68100 Mulhouse Cedex

Tel. +33 3 89 59 32 66

Fax +33 3 89 59 40 42

Website: www.sauter.fr

518 Mesogeion Av.
153 42 Agia Paraskevi

Tel: +30 210 6084940
Fax: +30 210 6084942

Kontakt: Sales - info@sychem.gr
Website: www.sychem.gr

Gateway Valves & Fittings Ltd.
Flat A1, 4/Fl., Galaxy Factory Building
25-27 Luk Hop Street, San Po Kong
Kowloon, Hong Kong

Tel : +852 2688 2666
Fax : +852 2688 2655

Kontakt: Stephen - Stephen@gatewayv.com.hk

Website: www.gatewayv.com

340/2722, Motilal Nagar No.2
Link Road, Opp. Bangur Nagar
Goregaon West, Mumbai - 400 090

Tel.: +91-022-28788849 / 28788854
Fax: +91-022-28787471

Website: www.zenac.com

Eneffen Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
No.69, Emberumanar Nilayam, 19th Main
5th Phase J P Nagar
Bengaluru 560 078

Tel.: +91 80 42096440

Website: www.eneffen.com

Pak Plant Limited
Unit 4b Old Mill Industrial Est

Tel.: +353 45 842696
Fax: +353 45 842694


Kieback & Peter Italia Srl
Via Philips 12
20900 Monza

Website: info@kieback-peter.it
Tel: +39 02 240 2128

A-TERM Di Ciceri
Via Pindaro, 40
I-20128 Milano

Tel: +39 02 26005155
Fax: +39 02 26005155

Website: www.aterm.it

ACE Supplies & Trading Co.
P.O.Box 1182 Khalda
11821 Amman

Tel: +962 6 552 3170
Fax: +962 6 552 3172

Website: www.ace-jordan.com

TEM Trading M&E Product Co. Ltd
No 99, St 143, Boeung Keng Kang III,
Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh

Tel. +855 78 93 93 03

E-Mail: sales1.a@tem-trading.com
Website: www.tem-trading.com

IMP Termotehnika regulacija d.o.o.
Albinijeva 4
10000 Zagreb
Hrvatska / Croatia

Tel. +385 1 6624 808
Fax. +385 1 6601 623

Website: www.imptermo.hr

Kontakt: Davorin Komin - dk@imptermo.hr

P.O. Box 2829 Safat, Postal Code 13029, State of Kuwait

Tel: (+965) 22097275 / 22097276 / 22097277

Office Address :
NOURI INDUSTRIAL EST. Co. Ardiya Industrial Area, Area 2, Building 86, State of Kuwait

Kontakt: contact@nie-kwt.com
Website: www.nie-kwt.com

Debbas HQ
P. O. Box 110125

Tel: + 961 1442740/1/2
Fax: + 961 1447562

Kontakt: Patrick Tohme - debbassystems@debbas.com.lb

HVAC Products:

Ultimate Control Engineering SDN BHD
58, Jalan Puteri 5/6, Bandar Puteri
47100 Puchong
Selangor Darul Ehsan

Tel: 603-8062 4180
Fax: 603-8062 4186
E-Mail: ultimate.ce@gmail.com
Website: www.ultimate.my

Civil Waterworks Products:

Valmatic Engineering SDN BHD
Lot 10, Jalan Anggerik Mokara 31/48,
Kota Kemuning, Sex 31,
40150 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.

Tel: 603-5122 9888, 5122 0099
Fax: 603- 5122 3030
Website: www.valmatic.com.my
E-Mail: sales@valmatic.com.my

Siemens (N.Z.) Limited
Smart Infrastructure - Building Products Division
Level 3, Bldg C, Millenium Centre
600 Great South Road
Ellerslie, Auckland 1051
New Zealand

Tel. +64 (0) 9 580 5500

E-Mail: sbt.nz@siemens.com
Website: www.siemens.co.nz

Steel & Tube Holdings Ltd
68 Stonedon Drive
East Tamaki
Auckland 2013

Tel. +64 (0) 9 273 7610
Fax +64 (0) 9 273 147068

E-Mail: simon.gillon@steelandtube.co.nz
Mobil: +64 9 273 2374
Website: www.steelandtube.co.nz

Fortes Import B.V.
Loodsboot 26
3991 CJ Houten

Tel. +31 (0)30 2930 236
Fax +31 (0)30 2930 637

E-Mail: info@fortes-import.nl

Website: www.fortesimport.nl

Purmo Group Sweden AB

c/o Purmo Norge

Runnivegen 41, Inngang A, 2 etg

2150 Årnes

Tel: +47 406 14 900

E-Mail: ordre@purmo.no

Website: www.purmo.no

Leminar Air Conditioning Company LLC
Office No: 204, 2nd Floor
Al Asfoor Plaza, Ourum, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

Tel: +968 24663882
E-Mail: info@leminaroman.com

Website: www.Leminaroman.com

Enye Limited, Corporation
No.82, Scout Ojeda St. Brgy.
Obrero Kamuning
Quezon City, 1103

Tel: +63 2 410 8841

E-Mail: enye@enye.com.ph
Website: www.enye.com.ph

TG Instalacje - Centrala Sp. z o.o.
ul Bukowska 49
62-070 Dąbrowa k. Poznania

Tel: +61 843 65 64
E-Mail: centrala@tginstalacje.pl

Website: www.tginstalacje.pl

ZETKAMA Sp. z o.o.
ul. 3 Maja 12
57-410 Ścinawka Średnia

Tel: +48 74 865 21 11
E-Mail: biuro@zetkama.com.pl

Website: www.zetkama.com

Contimetra Instrumentos Industriais LDA
Rua Do Proletariado, 15-B
P-2790 138 Carnaxide

Tel: +351 213 860 500
Fax: +351 213 864 027

Website: www.contimetra.com

Leminar Air Conditioning Co. W.L.L
C-Ring Road
Al Emadi Business Center
Office No. 47
Post Box No. 3841
State of Qatar

Tel: +974 44673755

Website: www.leminargroup.com

Al-Assas Specialized Co.
Jeddah, 2141
Saudi Arabia

Tel: +966 12 651 6321

E-Mail: info@alassas-tech.com

Najd Ideal Control Systems (NICS)
P. O. Box 30589
Jeddah, 21487
Saudi Arabia

Mobil: +966 55998 8509

Kontakt : Raed Khattab - khattab@nics.com.sa

Specialized System Company
Al Ruwais, Madinah Road, Al Noor Center
P.O. Box 222, Jeddah 23215
Saudi Arabia

Tel: +966 920012107

E-Mail: sales@sscl-sa.com

Purmo Group Sweden AB,
Järnvägsgatan 19 / Box 10
SE-285 21 Markaryd

Tel.: +46 43 373 700

Website: www.purmo.se

ESB Ventiltechnik AG
Benjamin Obermeyer
Passwangstrasse 20
4226 Breitenbach

Tel: +41 79 731 95 23

E-Mail: bo@esb-v.ch

Website: www.esb-ventiltechnik.ch

Chemline Products Asia Pte Ltd
21 Joo Koon Crescent
Singapore 629026

Tel: +65 6861 1540
Fax: 65-6295 3979
Website: https://chemline.com.sg/
E-Mail: sales@chemline.com.sg

Hydronix SK sro
Karpatské námestie 10A
831 06 Bratislava

Tel: +421 650 822 284
E-Mail: hydronix@hydronix.sk

Website: www.hydronix.sk

Kieback&Peter Ibérica, S.A.
San Sotero 11
28037 Madrid

Tel: +34 913044440
Fax: +34 913272755

Website: www.kieback-peter-iberica.es

Primera Engineering (Pvt) Ltd,
No 69/10/B, Siddamulla,
Sri Lanka 10300

Tel: +94112052119
Mobil: +94775837992

E-Mail: info@primeraengineering.com
Web: www.primeraengineering.lk

Vac-Cent Services (Pty) Ltd
P.O. Box 14547
Wadeville 1422
South Africa

Tel: +27 (11) 827 - 1536
Fax: +27 (11) 827 - 3590

Website: www.vaccent.co.za

Spirax Sarco Korea Ltd.
Steam People House, 99, Sadang-ro 30-gil, Dongjak-gu
Seoul 07015, Korea

Tel: + 82 (0)2 3489 3489
Fax: + 82 (0)2 525 5780

Website: www.spiraxsarco.com
Kontakt: ssk@kr.spiraxsarxo.com

Masstec Link Co., Ltd.
59,61,63 Soi Chokechai 4 Soi 84
Chokechai 4 Rd Ladprao
Bangkok 10230

Tel: +66 (0)2942 1433
Fax: +66 (0)2942 1320
Website: www.massteclink.com

Mr. Kamtorn Kunanopparat - kamtorn@massteclink.com

Hydronix CZ s. r. o.,
Jesenická 513,
252 44 Dolní Jirčany

Tel: +420 244 466 792
E-Mail: hydronix@hydronix.cz

Website: www.hydronix.cz

Leminar Air Conditioning Co.
Ras Al Khor Industrial Area
PO Box 33539
United Arab Emirates

Tel: + 971 4 3338700

Website: www.leminargroup.com


HCMC: 189 Nguyen Van Thu, Dakao, Dist 1, HCMC, Vietnam
HN: BT01, Vimeco, Nguyen Chanh Street, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam

Tel: 08. 3910 7080
Fax: 08. 3822 1481

E-Mail: info@toangiaphat.com
Website: www.toangiaphat.com